Pure, unadulterated fun - That’s Strictly Naked!
Strictly naked is exactly as it sounds - quite simply naked!
Strictly naked takes place every single Wednesday from 10am until 9pm and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month 10am - 9pm*
On arrival, rather than a regular, standard size towel, you’ll be given a small towel, so nothing is left to the imagination, then you’re free to explore as nature intended - Totally in the Buff!
When you’re ready to leave, come and see one of our lovely team members who can give you a large towel for you to shower and dry off with.
Please remember this is a NAKED ONLY event, clothing/ shorts are not permitted at this event.
*On the 1st Saturday, Naked officially finishes at 6pm to make way for FETISH - our evening of fetish-wear, leather, rubber, sports kit and much more, Who say’s being naked can’t be a fetish too? you’re welcome to stay on naked until late!